When I was a teenager, (many years ago) We were vacationing in Daytona Beach, Florida. My brother and I were crossing the street and found someone's Date Planner. This was before phones and computers. We couldn't find who to call but we took out a couple of cards that someone had written on the back of and called the number. The lady kept telling us he was out of the office so we told her we had his date planner, and it would be at the desk at the motel where we were staying. About an hour later a man pulled up and found out who brought in the planner. He gave us a reward and apologized for his secretary because she didn't know he had lost his planner till he called her.

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It was also a lesson in trusting one's self and not listening to anyone else who urges us to be less than the person we truly are.

Thank you, Maria.

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