A young boy once asked his grandfather, “Grandpa, I want to be successful. I want to be in movies, travel the world, drive fancy cars, and live in a beautiful house. How do I chase all my dreams and reach them faster?”
The grandfather paused, then spotted a beautiful butterfly fluttering nearby. He said, “Wow, what a stunning butterfly! Hurry and catch it before it flies away!”
The boy ran after the butterfly, but no matter how fast he moved, the butterfly always flew just out of reach. After running around the garden, he was exhausted and came back to his grandfather, panting, “I couldn’t catch it, Grandpa! It flew away!”
The grandfather smiled and gently took his hand. He whispered, “Let me teach you something important. If you spend all your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But if you focus on creating a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you.”
He continued, “The butterfly is like your goals in life. Instead of chasing after success, love, or happiness, focus on building something meaningful. Improve yourself, work on your skills, and create something valuable. When you do that, success and opportunities will naturally come to you. Don’t chase create, and let the good things come.”
This simple story reminds us that instead of chasing after immediate results, we should focus on cultivating our own growth, and success will follow.
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I love this line of yours... “Let me teach you something important. If you spend all your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But if you focus on creating a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you.” Oh! Such a beautiful missive!!
A wonderful reminder I need to keep at the forefront of my mind pretty much on the daily. Thank you for sharing!